Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 9,10,11 and 12

It's hard to keep up with this blog on the weekends, so let me catch up real quick. For the most part, I have been doing great. Significantly decreased my calorie intake by watching everything that passes my lips and eating with purpose. I also did a good job last week with my workouts which I'm proud of. I went out of town Saturday night and brought my salad and oatmeal with me so I wouldn't have an excuse to eat crap. I keep an apple with me at all times now. Since I'm still getting over my sugar addiction this has been a great solution for me. One thing I have noticed since I've allowed myself to drink caffine the diet coke is creeping back in on me. I'm not one for moderation and it gives me the worst craving for junk food. When I want one I often rationalize that since there are no calories I can allow myself the one vice. But the truth is it gives me such strong cravings for the old crap I used to eat that it really ends up costing me a lot (messed up TWICE already today because of it). So I am going to work out a little extra today and try to discipline myself to get off the diet coke crack.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 8

Soooo... I went to the Doctor and weighed 4 lbs MORE since I've been on my Detox. WTH?! My friend Carrie gave me a link to an article that was pretty insightful about why vegetarian/vegan diets may not be the best. All I know is I have felt truly awful since I've been on this vegan diet and obviously it hasn't been producing results. I am going to continue eating fruits and veggies with every meal but I am considering integrating lean meat proteins into my diet again. I will keep ya posted... Any opinions on this?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 7

My eating as been great today! Breakfast was oatmeal made with unsweetened soymilk, snacked on an apple, lunch I had salad with an apple, garbonzo beans, lemon juice, and basalmic vinager, snaked on 1 pc vegan sprouted wheat bread with cashew butter, honey, and a banana, and dinner was buckwheat pancakes and mango orange juice. Did a lower body workout followed by walking hills pushing a stroller. Feel good! But my head was hurting sooooo bad that I went and got a can of diet coke. Took the edge off but didn't rid me of it completely. I've actually been feeling pretty awful lately and dont know why? Figured the change in my diet would make me feel better not worse. Whats going on?
I'm craving another diet coke right now btw...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 4,5,6

So I went out of town this weekend and I will confess that I cheated on my detox quite a bit. If you had seen that soul food at the rehearsal dinner and the amazing cake at the wedding you would have felt my pain. I did go out and buy organic veggies and make a salad for lunch instead of eating subway one day however, and that, for me, is progress I can be proud of. I also slipped on my diet coke drinking but resisting 50% of the time which again, is improvement. Tonight we had a vegan dinner and I ate my oatmeal as planned this morning (midday was not spectacular eating..). I'm learning that even if I mess up with something I eat to try and make a better choice with my next meal instead of writing off the whole day. It HAS to pay off! It will add up in the long run and eventually I hope to change my diet over almost completely. Tomorrow is a new day!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 3

Okay so I haven't yet been able to give the coffee up, but I'm working on it step by step. I had my wonderful oatmeal with unsweetened almond milk for breakfast again and it was sooo satisfying. I paid a little extra and got some extra thick oats and I can really tell a difference! I'll be out of town all weekend but I'm still going to try to update on my progress.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 2

I have been diet coke free all day. Although I have been fiending for it I resisted and I'm happy I did. I've been reading a new book called "Skinny Bitch bun in the oven" and honestly I am considering tapering off my meat and dairy and trying out this whole vegan deal. Someone gave the boys and I spaghetti for dinner tonight since I'm not feeling well and I felt obligated to eat at least a little of it. Eating the meat after the knowledge I have now... it really was grossing me out. Other then those few bites I ate completely vegan today and it was pretty great. Growing up I refused milk, eggs, butter, and cheese. It wasn't until my pregnancies that I started eating them because I thought I needed the calcium. Funny things is God put all the calcium we need in leafy greens as well as tons of vitamins and proteins if we just stick to fruit, whole grains, veggies, and legumes. The information in this book is shocking and eye opening. Maybe just the information I need to make this 30 day diet detox a part of my life from here on out. One thing is for sure, I am not buying cows milk and feeding it to my boys any longer!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pizza is the devil

Half day of dieting already on a downward spiral after that pizza my brother just brought home. Positives: ate in moderation, didn't drink diet coke with it as I usually do.
Negatives: I was suppose to stick to veggie/lean protein for dinner.
Going to drink lots of water the rest of the night.

Starting Point

Sad to actually measure and see how far off I've fallen.. but you have to start somewhere I guess.
Bust: 36"
Waist: 31"
Hips: 44"
Thighs: 26"
Arm: 13"

Day 1

30 days without sugar... that was the challenge issued to me by my man. He loving offered to do it with me (of course he is already is great shape and "doesn't like sweets") but at least I wont be going at it alone. I modified the challenge to a 30 day diet detox. I started reading the book (Skinny Bitch) which is mostly about cleaning up your diet- riding it of caffine, sodas, sugar and the like. Since I'm going to a total diet makeover I thought it would be fun to blog about it on here and share my struggles to distract myself when I want to devour a cookie or rush off to the store for my diet coke fix. I need something else to pour myself into or I might just go crazy! When the challenge was issued to me I was in the middle of eating a cookie dough blizzard and I savored every morsal as I realized it would be my last for awhile. I had just thought to myself, "Icecream makes me reallyhappy." And it does... but being fat does not make me happy. So I have to get the weight off and get healthy so I can eat the things I love (in moderation). Until then its bye bye to chocolate and diet cokes, and hello to fish and veggies, oatmeal and almond milk. Joy.
Just now I am DYING for a diet coke and the new double chocolate cookies from Bare Naked. Instead I just nibbled on some regular cheerios. Blahhhhhh
Here goes nothing