Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 9,10,11 and 12

It's hard to keep up with this blog on the weekends, so let me catch up real quick. For the most part, I have been doing great. Significantly decreased my calorie intake by watching everything that passes my lips and eating with purpose. I also did a good job last week with my workouts which I'm proud of. I went out of town Saturday night and brought my salad and oatmeal with me so I wouldn't have an excuse to eat crap. I keep an apple with me at all times now. Since I'm still getting over my sugar addiction this has been a great solution for me. One thing I have noticed since I've allowed myself to drink caffine the diet coke is creeping back in on me. I'm not one for moderation and it gives me the worst craving for junk food. When I want one I often rationalize that since there are no calories I can allow myself the one vice. But the truth is it gives me such strong cravings for the old crap I used to eat that it really ends up costing me a lot (messed up TWICE already today because of it). So I am going to work out a little extra today and try to discipline myself to get off the diet coke crack.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you can overcome the diet soda addiction. I've read that artificial sweeteners actually cause you to gain weight. Basically you can't fool the body, since it knows you're not actually eating sugar it craves sugar and food when you drink those. Makes sense. Hey I have another book recommendation for you. The Mood Cure and the Food Cure - by the same author. They are both wonderful for figuring out what part of your brain may be causing you to have cravings, and how to heal it with food and supplements (specifically, amino acids). I've been feeling better since I read the book and started taking Tyrosine. It's inexpensive and natural. :)
