Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 8

Soooo... I went to the Doctor and weighed 4 lbs MORE since I've been on my Detox. WTH?! My friend Carrie gave me a link to an article that was pretty insightful about why vegetarian/vegan diets may not be the best. All I know is I have felt truly awful since I've been on this vegan diet and obviously it hasn't been producing results. I am going to continue eating fruits and veggies with every meal but I am considering integrating lean meat proteins into my diet again. I will keep ya posted... Any opinions on this?


  1. Gaaah! I read that article-it's so freaking hard to find any kind of reliable information these days!! But I agree that lean meat is a good idea, especially if you're feeling so bad. Fruit and veggies are never a bad idea, and like that article said, sometimes we just need animal protein! I started reading a new book lately, it's called "In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto" by Michael Pollan. Pretty sound advice, and funny too-it's basically echoing what this article says. But keep trying, and for the record I think a bit of lean, high-quality meat is a good idea at this point :)

  2. I've never heard of the book you're reading, but it's always good to listen to your body. You might not be feeling good because your body is going thru withdrawals from caffeine. Just keep listening to your body. If it's not feeling good, try the lean protein route for a little bit. But, I'm horrible at giving advice about what to eat! Just trying to be encouraging :)
